



Abe helps present Akita puppy to Russian Olympic figure skating champ Alina Zagitova

Reuters, AFP-JIJI    

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe took part in the gifting of an Akita puppy to Russian Olympic champion figure skater Alina Zagitova on Saturday at a hotel in central Moscow.


                         ふるさとZIP探偵団 のこと




 22歳から37歳まで、結婚を挟んで関西テレビの音響効果担当者として数多くの人気ドラマやニュース、ドキュメンタリーやスポーツ番組、全ゆるジャンルの番組作りで頑張ったが、とりわけ関西テレビの開局15周年記念番組のドラマ、花登作、神津善行音楽、西郷輝彦、田村亮主演の「どてらい男ヤツ」というお化け高視聴率ドラマを担当できたことは忘れられない。このドラマのスタートに合わせて結婚もしたがこの番組は(’73~’77 OA)効果の仕事の集大成だった。

 1980年昭和55年40歳の時、系列のエイトプロダクションで始まったモーニングショー「奥さまリビング」のディレクターをやれとのことで私は選ばれまた現場の仕事をここで新しくスタート、数々の番組のディレクターやプロデューサーをしたが、その中でも土曜の朝の1 時間ものローカルプロ、原田伸郎、佐藤蛾次郎、新藤栄作、冴木杏奈主演のバラエテイ「ふるさとZIP探偵団」 ( 昭和64年平成1年1989年放送開始~2002年まで ) は人気も高く、このような旅番組はエイトプロに移って以来私の作る得意なジャンルだったので楽しい番組で長く続いた。今またローカルの旅番組が人気があるようなそんな記事が載っているが、NHKの人気番組「鶴瓶の家族にカンパイ」も同じようなパターンのバラエテイだが、各局が争って放送している内外の旅番組、こうした旅番組のようなバラエテイ番組、その元祖のような「ZIP」の番組を私がかって立ち上げたのは私のちょっとした自慢でもある。私が誇る?番組、ふるさとZIP探偵団、ZIP CODE ( 郵便番号 ) で旅する小さな出会い旅はご当地紹介の旅バラエティだった。








又思い出したが、苦労したと言えば私の新人時代、まだ関西テレビはナマ放送主体の時代、スタジオドラマ「コメディ 忍者番号 17 」 という子供向けのドラマを作っていて、私はサブオーディオ、第2効果担当をさせて貰っていたが、このドラマはモノクロ、猿飛び佐助のストーリーで展開しタレントは二瓶孝一 森乃福郎 三木のり平 茶川一郎 南都雄二




私の一生を画にしたいと人事の担当者が作ってくれた。色があせたが制作 (P) した作品で印象深いものの写真を下さいということで右下にある「ふるさとZIP探偵団」のスタジオ収録時の写真を出したが、左から新藤栄作、佐藤蛾次郎、原田伸郎探偵そして冴木杏奈秘書がロケで関西地方のZIP CODE をもとにして旅しスタジオでそれぞれが報告する形の旅バラエティ、土曜日朝の番組だったが大変な人気となり番組は長く続いた。そして今.も.....同じような番組が続く....





鎌倉に住む姪の池田めぐみとさゆりの姉妹が鎌倉の店、蕾の家に続いて京都や鎌倉で朝食の新店、喜心 を立ち上げ成功したようだ。








                            私の好きなスコッチ ウイスキー


              関学 VS 日大 アメフト戦


Former Nihon University American football head coach Masato Uchida and assistant coach Tsutomu Inoue hold a news conference in Tokyo in May over their alleged order of a late hit during an intercollegiate match. | KYODO

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Dirty football tackle creates a perfect storm for news outlets to exploit

by Mark Schreiber  Contributing Writer      
Former Nihon University football head coach Masato Uchida’s alleged order on a player to “crush” an opposing team’s quarterback in a May 6 game between Japan’s traditional rivals for supremacy in American football has dominated sports and tabloid headlines for most of the second half of May.

In repeatedly shown videos, hulking Nichidai linebacker Taisuke Miyagawa can be seen knocking down Kosei Okuno from behind, after the Kwansei Gakuin University quarterback had already thrown the the football. Depending on the media, Miyagawa’s tackle was, by turns, hansoku (illegal), akushitsu (vicious) and even satsujin (homicidal).


“I would compare what the player did, tackling a defenseless player who is looking away, to a boxer slugging his opponent from behind after the bell ending the round and he is walking back to his corner — an almost unforgivable offense,” says Marty Kuehnert, a veteran TV broadcaster and president of the Sendai-based ISMAC sports consultancy. “The only mitigating factor for the Nichidai player is that he was basically ordered to do it, and I am sure he felt he had no choice. I suppose if this happened in the U.S., the coaches would be fired, and the league and/or the NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association) would levy large fines, and perhaps suspend the team from competition.”

The father of the Kwansei Gakuin quarterback has gone so far as to file criminal charges, something Kuehnert believes is “very much a Japanese concept.”

“It would be highly unlikely for police to become involved in the U.S.,” he says. “You may remember that in August 1984, American baseball player Reggie Smith got hauled into a local police station after he punched a Hanshin player in a game, and the Yomiuri Giants had to use all their clout to dissuade the police from following up on criminal charges.”

From the sheer volume and intensity of the media outrage, one might mistakenly think for a moment we’re dealing with a scandal along the lines of America’s Penn State six years ago, when football coach Jerry Sandusky was found guilty of repeated acts of pedophilia and sentenced to a 30-60-year prison term. That scandal also destroyed the reputations of several other individuals at the school, including the team’s head coach, Joe Paterno — the most successful coach in NCAA history — who died shortly thereafter.

Still, as far as the Japanese media is concerned, it’s time to dig up the dirt on Nichidai. In the perfect storm that has resulted, virtually every magazine and sports tabloid for the past week has featured coverage of the incident. Yukan Fuji (May 30) carried no fewer than five articles, including a front-page story that speculated that the number of aspirants sitting for the 2018 entrance examinations to Nichidai may fall by 10,000.

Shukan Gendai (June 9) devoted six pages to the story and dragged up an account from Friday magazine in August 2013 about team coach Tsutomu Inoue, a then-member of the Nichidai football squad, who appeared in a gay porno video titled “Muscular Children: Innocent Muscle Boys on their Way to the World of Adults.”

And if that weren’t enough, Shukan Bunshun (May 31) came up with a photo of Nihon University Director Hidetoshi Tanaka — described as the “Don” of a collegiate sports empire with a budget of ¥200 billion and recipient of ¥15 billion in public subsidies — shown posing with the heads of two of Japan’s largest crime syndicates, the Yamaguchi-gumi and Sumiyoshi-kai.

According to Flash (June 12), the university is claiming the pictures are composites. However, a source at Nihon University claims Tanaka was acquainted with other syndicate members, although he may have subsequently broken off relations following the passing of new anti-gang laws.

Additional examples of the coverage are as follows:

“Shady composition of the American football club controlled by former coach Uchida,” Shukan Asahi (June 8)

“Quagmire created by Nichidai’s American football rule violation is coach Uchida’s ‘Crime and Punishment,'” Sunday Mainichi (June 10)

“Nichidai’s American football problem is not to be tolerated!!!” Weekly Playboy (June 11)

“‘Order to engage in violence is part of a 60-year tradition in our club,’ former Nichidai players and staff confess,” Josei Jishin (June 12)

“End of the Nichidai dictatorship,” Yukan Fuji (May 29)

“‘Homicidal tackle’ by Nihon University American football team will have a major impact on the Tokyo Olympics,” (Shukan Jitsuwa, June 7)

This would appear to corroborate the view that sports scandals are a media standby, even in a country where American football is about as popular, as a percentage of the population, as curling in Jamaica.

According to the White Paper on Leisure for 2017, issued last year by the Japan Productivity Center, data on the scale of participatory sports in Japan indicated that neither American football nor rugby for that matter made it to the top 28. The total number of practitioners in the sport is probably less than 300,000 nationwide. That’s considerably fewer than people playing baseball (ranked seventh place among all sporting activities), with 5.8 million participants; soccer (12th) with 4.8 million; volleyball (13th), with 4.6 million; and basketball (14th), with 4.1 million.

In its favor, at least, the Japanese version of American football is considerably more civilized than the U.S. sport.

“I don’t think Japanese really understand how violent the U.S. football can be,” Kuehnert says. “In an average year in the States, perhaps five to 10 amateur players die, not just from spinal injuries but brain concussions and heatstroke.

“It’s the only sport I know that requires each team to arrange for doctors, not just physical trainers, to be present during the games, with an ambulance always on standby during games. If the ambulance leaves the stadium to take an injured player to the hospital, another one is called in.”

As for the criminal assault charges filed against the Nichidai player, it may be difficult to convince the court to hand down a guilty verdict. On May 27 — three weeks after the incident with Nichidai — NHK News broadcast excerpts from a game with Okuno wearing jersey No. 3. He showed no ill effects from the May 6 collision, hitting his receiver with a long-distance pass to score a touchdown.

Still, NHK wasn’t taking any chances: When it interviewed Okuno on camera immediately after the game, as befits the rights of a crime victim, neither his face nor name were broadcast.



                     Diamond Princess  5月最後の神戸寄港 


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DIAMOND PRINCESS 115,906 4Q1/Q2 5月27日(日曜) 6時 5月27日(日曜) 17時 釜山 那覇 新緑の高知・広島・九州と韓国8日間 帰港
ぱしふぃっく びいなす 26,594 4Q1 5月28日(月曜) 9時 5月28日(月曜) 11時 細島 大阪 瀬戸内海・弁天島花火大会と南九州クルーズ 帰港
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