



                            そして、、、三千年ぶり ? 噴火




Mount Zao is shown in this file photo taken in April 2015. The Meteorological Agency warned Tuesday of the potential for a small eruption. | KYODO

Warning level raised on Mount Zao a week after fatal volcano eruption in Gunma 

                          Reuters, Kyodo

The agency elevated the warning on Mount Zao, a cluster of volcanoes on the border of Yamagata and Miyagi prefectures whose highest point is 1,841 meters (6,040 feet), to 2 from 1, meaning people should avoid going near the crater.


“There is a possibility of a small-scale eruption,” the agency said in a statement, noting that a number of small earth movements were detected Tuesday, along with a slight bulging of the ground in one area.

It also warned of the possibility that volcanic rocks could be jettisoned as far as 1.2 km in an eruption.

According to the agency, volcanic tremors, caused by movements of hot subterranean water and volcanic gas, were observed over a period of 31 minutes from 2:18 p.m. on Tuesday and were larger than those recorded on Sunday and early Tuesday morning.

The Yamagata Municipal Government has issued an evacuation advisory for the areas around the crater and also advised a nearby ski resort to stay on alert.

The announcement came a week after a member of Japan’s Self-Defense Forces was killed when rocks from the sudden eruption of Mount Moto-Shirane rained down on skiers at a mountain resort in Gunma Prefecture.

Video footage taken by people on the mountain showed black ash spewing into the sky as volcanic debris rained down, some punching holes in the metal roof of a ski gondola. Eleven people were injured and around 100 skiers took refuge in a mountain hut for several hours until rescued.

Between the eruption and Jan. 26, a little more than 20,000 people canceled room reservations in Kusatsu, according to a survey by an organization representing local hotels and inns.

Zao, like Moto-Shirane, is a popular resort area famed for its so called “snow monsters” that are created by water vapor freezing on trees in winter. Its slopes are packed with skiers in winter and hikers in other seasons.

Currently, 50 out of 111 active volcanoes nationwide are under constant watch by the agency. The 50 were selected by a team of experts in coordination with agency officials. New activity is a crucial factor in deciding whether to begin continuous monitoring, an official said.

In September 2014, 63 people were killed on Mount Ontake in the country’s worst volcanic disaster in nearly 90 years.













2018年2月号 神戸市広報紙より
2018年2月号 神戸市広報紙より


                                                       三宮が変わる! New ! Sannomiya...






 1月28日、寒い朝、9時過ぎにポートターミナルに SUPERSTAR VIRGO 号が上海からやって来た


 Shanghai-Kobe-Beppu-Shanghai のツアーで上海から来て別府に行くそうだが、寒い神戸は10:30~19:30の




                                                                                   SUPERSTAR VIRGO


2018年入港予定 : 1月予定  

     客船名           総トン数 バース     入港           出港               前港     次港      クルーズ内容(区間 ・日程など)

     ぱしふぃっくびいなす  26,594  4Q1      1月4日(木)10:00   1月4日(木)12:00       那覇     横浜     びいなすニューイヤークルーズ~台湾・南西諸島

     OCEAN DREAM     35,265  4Q1            1月9日(火)15:00    1月9日(火)19:00       横浜     基隆     第96回ピースボートオセアニア一周クルーズ 

     にっぽん丸        22,472  NAKA-BC   1月10日(水)14:00   1月10日(水)17:00      横浜     油津     新春初旅にっぽん丸クルーズ 

     ぱしふぃっくびいなす  26,594  NAKA-BC  1月11日(木)13:00   1月11日(木)16:00      那覇     ベトナム   世界遺産とまだ見ぬ地をめぐる悠久のオリエンタルクルーズ

     にっぽん丸        22,472  NAKA-BC   1月13日(土)10:00   1月13日(土)16:00      柳井     未定     新春初旅にっぽん丸クルーズ 

     WORLD ODYSSEY      22,496     NAKA-BC     1月24日(水)8:00   1月28日(日)20:00      ホノルル   上海          SPRING2018A Voyage Around the World

     SUPERSTAR VIRGO  75,338      4Q1/4Q2        1月28日(日)10:30  1月28日(日)19:30       上海     別府        Shanghai-Kobe-Beppu-Kobe

     飛鳥             50,142      NAKA-BC      1月29日(月)14:00   1月29日(月)17:00       横浜     サイパン    オセアニアグランドクルーズ


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